List of Honorary Graduates
Class of Doctor
Year | Congregation | Honorary Graduates | Class of Doctor |
1988 36th | 36th | The Hon. POON Wing-cheung Peter | Doctor of Laws |
2018 86th | 86th | QIU Yong | Doctor of Science |
2015 79th | 79th | Leo Rafael REIF | Doctor of Laws |
2009 66th | 66th | Alison F. RICHARD | Doctor of Social Science |
2005 62nd | 62nd | Richard J. ROBERTS | Doctor of Science |
1969 9th | 9th | Kenneth Ernest ROBINSON | Doctor of Laws |
2024 94th | 94th | Dame Nancy ROTHWELL | Doctor of Laws |
2023 | Jeffrey D. SACHS | Doctor of Social Science | |
2016 80th | 80th | Randy Wayne SCHEKMAN | Doctor of Science |
2003 60th | 60th | Reinhard SELTEN | Doctor of Social Science |
1999 55th | 55th | Amartya Kumar SEN | Doctor of Social Science |
1981 23rd | 23rd | Sir Run-run SHAW | Doctor of Social Science |
2020 89th | 89th | SHEN Jinkang | Doctor of Social Science |
1993 46th | 46th | The Rev. SHIH Cheng-yen | Doctor of Social Science |
1994 48th | 48th | SIN Wai-kin David | Doctor of Social Science |
2020 89th | 89th | Sir Steve Murray SMITH | Doctor of Laws |
2009 67th | 67th | SONG Jian | Doctor of Laws |
1995 50th | 50th | Jonathan D. SPENCE | Doctor of Literature |
2016 80th | 80th | Joseph Eugene STIGLITZ | Doctor of Social Science |
2022 91st | 91st | SUNG Jao-yiu Joseph | Doctor of Laws |