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List of Honorary Graduates

Year        Class of Doctor

List of Honorary Graduates
YearCongregationHonorary GraduatesClass of Doctor
202493rdProfessor Gene D. BlockDoctor of Laws
202291stHAO PingDoctor of Laws
202291stSUNG Jao-yiu Joseph Doctor of Laws
202089thSir Steve Murray SMITHDoctor of Laws
201682ndThe Hon. Chief Justice Geoffrey MA Tao-liDoctor of Laws
201579thLeo Rafael REIFDoctor of Laws
201477thLawrence Juen-yee LAUDoctor of Laws
201375thAndrew David HAMILTONDoctor of Laws
201373rdWONG Yan-lungDoctor of Laws
201272ndRichard Charles LEVINDoctor of Laws
201068thCHENG Wai-kin EdgarDoctor of Laws
200967thSONG JianDoctor of Laws
200967thThe Hon. TANG Ying-yen HenryDoctor of Laws
200865thFUNG Kwok-king VictorDoctor of Laws
200764thThe Hon. TUNG Chee-hwaDoctor of Laws
200663rdThe Hon. FOK Ying-tung HenryDoctor of Laws
200663rdThe Hon. Chief Justice LI Kwok-nang AndrewDoctor of Laws
200562ndKING Yeo-chi AmbroseDoctor of Laws
200562ndLIEN ChanDoctor of Laws
200562ndWANG DaohanDoctor of Laws