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List of Honorary Graduates

Year        Class of Doctor

List of Honorary Graduates
YearCongregationHonorary GraduatesClass of Doctor
199448thSir Eric Albert ASHDoctor of Science
199346thCHEUNG Huen-cheong ThomasDoctor of Laws
199346thLEE Shau-keeDoctor of Social Science
199346thZAO Wou-kiDoctor of Literature
199346thCHENG Yu-tungDoctor of Social Science
199346thThe Rev. SHIH Cheng-yenDoctor of Social Science
199346thMA Yo-yoDoctor of Literature
199244thEzra F. VOGELDoctor of Social Science
199244thTSUI Lap-cheeDoctor of Science
199244thLAM Kiu-yue AliceDoctor of Laws
199244thWilson T.S. WANGDoctor of Laws
199142ndZHOU GuangzhaoDoctor of Science
199142ndLI Kwoh-tingDoctor of Laws
199142ndCHIANG ChenDoctor of Social Science
199142ndEdwin H.C. TAODoctor of Laws
199040thJames Z.M. KUNGDoctor of Laws
199040thCHANG Kwang-chihDoctor of Social Science
199040thThe Hon. LEE Peng-fei AllenDoctor of Laws
199040thDavid TODDDoctor of Science
198938thFANG Sin-yang HarryDoctor of Laws