List of Honorary Graduates
Class of Doctor
Year | Congregation | Honorary Graduates | Class of Doctor |
1993 46th | 46th | MA Yo-yo | Doctor of Literature |
1998 54th | 54th | Nils Göran David MALMQVIST | Doctor of Literature |
2022 91st | 91st | Sir Michael G. MARMOT | Doctor of Science |
2013 73rd | 73rd | Barry James MARSHALL | Doctor of Science |
2014 77th | 77th | Robert Cox MERTON | Doctor of Science |
2004 61st | 61st | Sir James A. MIRRLEES | Doctor of Social Science |
2014 77th | 77th | MO Yan | Doctor of Literature |
2010 68th | 68th | MOK Hing-yiu | Doctor of Social Science |
2004 61st | 61st | William M.W. MONG | Doctor of Social Science |
1978 20th | 20th | Charles Frankland MOORE | Doctor of Laws |
2002 58th | 58th | Ferid MURAD | Doctor of Science |
1983 25th | 25th | Joseph NEEDHAM | Doctor of Science |
2003 60th | 60th | Anthony Francis NEOH | Doctor of Laws |
2023 92nd | 92nd | Helga NOWOTNY | Doctor of Social Science |
2024 93rd | 93rd | Sir Paul M. NURSE | Doctor of Science |
2009 66th | 66th | PAI Hsien-yung Kenneth | Doctor of Literature |
2024 93rd | 93rd | PAN Jianwei | Doctor of Science |
1977 18th | 18th | PAO Yue-kong | Doctor of Laws |
1970 11th | 11th | PEI Ieoh-ming | Doctor of Laws |
1971 12th | 12th | Cyril Henry PHILIPS | Doctor of Laws |